miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2007

PET Video 2007

I created this video to show how our students of Middle second get ready for their examination. They work hard to obtain good results. See how Diego Caballero is concentrated in the test, and he looks very interested in the reading. As well, Tomas Navarro he looks very concentrated in the reading. Lucìa Gongora really liked the reading because she obtained very good results in that test. Alejandra Eguzquiza worked very well in that test and her final results were very high.

In this video you can see how the students of middle second enjoy the preparation for the PET test. Take a look at it

Slide of pictures

Here I share with you some pictures I took to my students of Middle Second.
We enjoyed good times and they loved taking pictures. Anyway, they are
very good students and they deserve to spend a very good moment after the
stress of taking a long section delete this from any International

I feel that prepare these students for the PET or any other test is a challenge that any English teacher would like to take. As the final results would be a complete success, we know that San Jorge gives the students a good preparation since the very first years. In our school, we make our students love English.

Middle Second getting ready for the PET

It was a good experience working with Middle Second at Saint George’s School; they were a very interesting group. I worked with them readings related to PET Examination. In the next two pictures you can see how they practiced for reading section of PET. You can see Nicole and Maria Claudia very concentrated in their tests. In the next picture you see Diana with a smiling face showing that the reading in the booklet was very interesting and she enjoyed it.

We are trying to make our students feel comfortable with the process of
learning. We are always in search of good exercises and materials that help
our students improve their English level.
This year there are some students from this group who took the PET at ACPB
and according to what they mentioned, thanks to the training they received
from the school; they felt that they made it great. So we are waiting for
their results. Well done Guys!

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2007

FCE Speaking section.

This is a video where you can see the way we practice the speaking section of the FCE. In the school, we use a text that let us practice each section of it. In this particular case, the video was taken to show how they work in pairs playing the role of examiner and the student applying to the test. It is very interesting how they get involved in the task given, and become very fluent when they are talking. One of the most important items aspects considered in this test is the fluency, coherence and manage cohesion of the language they have to show while talking with a native speaker.

We can see how Renato is trying to convince Gonzalo about his point of view,
I think this is a good reaction that a student applying for these sorts of
tests should have. You can also find Cecilia explaining to Andrea what she
believes about the two professions shown in the pictures of the book. Ivette
is really taking the conversation seriously because she starts reflecting
about the job and the functions they have in society. Alessandra and
Stephanie show themselves very are so involved in the into the
conversation, and that attitude is the one needed for those examinations.
Haroun is also very convinced of what he is saying, and that is very
positive to show his competence in English. Finally, you see how they change

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2007

Why do I have a blog? and hat would I do with it?

I create this blog because I think that English has become one of the most important languages around the world.

We all study English for different reasons. Maybe it is because you want to sing some song in English, watch a movie withut caps or maybe for applying to a job. Once you start, you cdon not watn to give up and go on until the end.

When you become an advanced Englsh student, you have the chance to take different examination from different universities of countries which are native speakers. Thes test are ECPE, ECCE, ESOL, FCE, CAE, TOEFL, etc.